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Erotica novels E-Story

Erotica novels E-Story
We slept in...we earned it.

Well, that, plus the fact we knew it was only a four-hour drive, give or take a half-hour, to Vegas from Flag so, yeah, we slept in.

Marni woke me with a little morning cunnilingus and, of course, I reciprocated. Once that piece of business was taken care of, we were showered, coiffed and out of the door by nine AM. Couldn't check in until three PM so, yeah, we were fine.

Stopping for fuel and lattes before leaving Flagstaff, Marni slipped us into the I-40 westbound traffic without a hiccup. We both settled back, sipped our lattes and enjoyed the beautiful mountain scenery of tall, green firs and conifers, the trees seemingly reaching for the sky.

"Goddamnit, Jules, that was fun last night, sugar," Marni said aloud without any warning.

"Yes it was, girlfriend, yes it was," I smilingly agreed.

"Probably ought to send Maggie and Toni a bouquet of flowers for getting us cranked up last night," She jokingly suggested.

"I'm guessing that they're expecting something else from us as a 'thank-you'," I wise-cracked to her.

"Probably right...speaking of which, you still okay with meeting up with them tonight?" She asked.

"If you are, I am," I replied simply.

"You do realize that they want to fuck us, right?" She replied.

Turning towards her, I lifted the sunglasses from my eyes and gave her my best 'are you shitting me look?', saying, "Seriously?"

"We're still on vacation," I continued, "and as your self-appointed attorney, let me point out that if we hook up with Toni and Maggie, its protected under the 'Pinky Swear' clause of our social contract, just as it was with Gayle," sounding very lawyer-like as I said it, "What happens on vay-cay, stays on vay-cay."

"Oooooh, I have my own personal lawyer now?" She teased.

Leaning towards her, I nuzzled her ear with my mouth, whispering, "Yes, yes you do," punctuating my words by tonguing her ear suggestively as I 'tweaked' her boob with my fingertips through her blouse.

She punched the accelerator when I did that, the response from the Beemer pushing us against our seats.

"Yowzah," She cried aloud, smiling at me...

We stopped in Kingman, Arizona to grab a bite to eat since we hadn't breakfasted, laying out our 'game-plan' for Vegas.

"I think we should go to the ticket desk after we check in, first thing, and see what shows are available," I suggested between bites.

"And book the spa for Sunday?" Marni asked.

"That's what I think," I agreed.

"Do you think we'll be able to check-in early? Looks like we'll get there a little after one." Marni mused.

"Let me do the talking with the check-in clerk," I said, "if its a guy, I can always hint that if he lets us check in early, he might get a blow-job from you later," chuckling when I said it.

"Me? Why would I have to give him a blow-job?" She giggled.

"'Cause I haven't even thought about dick since we've started this trip," I countered, "and its all your fault."

"Complaining are you?" She parried.

"Oh, hell no," I answered while signaling for our check...

Hell of a change in landscape from the mountains of Flagstaff to the salt and alkali flats that lay between Kingman and Nevada we mused, as we drove towards 'Sin City'. Not very scenic really, we thought, as we chatted idily.

"Last night? When we were flirting with Maggie and Toni?" Marni remarked casually, "I got turned on thinking about you and Toni out there on the balcony, envisioning all sorts of things y'all might be doing."

Chuckling, I replied, "I opened my eyes at one point when Toni was kissing me and feeling me up...I saw you and Maggie kissing, saw her stroking your boob...got me excited, as well," I confessed.

"In Gulf Shores, when we played with Gayle?" She offered further, "Laying there, watching her eat you when you were sitting on her face, that got me sooooo fucking hot and horny, especially when she got you off," turning her head towards me with a smile after saying it.

"She didn't get me off," I corrected, "She was eating me but when I looked down to you and you smiled at me, that's what got me off, that's when I orgasmed...it was your smile that got me off."

She smiled sweetly at me, "You and me? There's serious 'kink' going on with you and me," she opined with a grin.

"You say that like it was a bad thing," I joked, causing us both to giggle like schoolgirls...

The good news is that Marni wasn't going to have give the desk clerk a blowjob after all.

The desk 'gal' was only too happy to check us in early and, tipping the bellman to bring our bags to our rooms, Marni and I went to see what shows still had tickets available.

The sorta' bad news was that all of the shows that we wanted to see were sold out for that night, Saturday night, but we were able to get tickets for the show of a comedian that we both liked for Sunday night's show.

"So, ideas?" Marni asked as we pocketed our tickets, "Not hungry...don't really feel like drinking this early, especially if we're going to have a few with our evil twins," referring to Maggie and Toni, of course.

"Seems a shame to waste this bright sunny day by staying indoors...feel like hitting the swimming pool and sun-bathing?" I suggested.

She did, and we did...

We did laps until our legs cramped from the much-needed exercise, needed because we hadn't run for a few days. Calling 'uncle', we slathered lotion on each other, ordered a couple of beers from the pool waitress and laid out on our reclining loungers near the pool.

Lots of twenty-somethings running around in skimpy suits, the abundance of jiggling ta-tas serving to keep one's head turning if you were an admirer of tits and,seriously...who isn't?

"Tell you what, sugar, I don't know what the going rate for silicon is, but I bet we could retire if we harvested all the silicon around the pool area," I joked with Marni as the latest pair of store-boughts strolled by us.

"Damn sure take a great vacation at the least," She said, concurring.

"We ought to think about that," I mused, "plan another vacation...this has been too much fun not to do again."

"I'm on board with that thinking...just so's you know," She smilingly replied, then draining the last of her Corona, she said, "Think I'm done, babe, I feel like a nap...damned sun really sucks the energy from me."

"Me too, let's go up and do that," I said in agreement.

Surprisingly, we were both content to snuggle together on our king bed and go to sleep, the feeling of contentment that enveloped me, bringing a smile to my soul...

"Now that's what I'm talking about," Marni said leeringly when I twirled for her after donning, again, my killer li'l red cocktail dress.

I tried to argue against it when she had asked me to wear it that night, my argrument being that I'd worn it already, in Denver.

"So what," She countered, "it looks good on you, so why not? Please, pretty please, for me?"

That's when I realized I was 'whipped'...

We had napped until around seven'ish, Marni waking first and showering, the sound of which is what woke me. When she was through, I jumped in to do my thing, the two of us chit-chatting all the while.

She chose a cocktail dress I'd not seen before, pale blue in color and strapless, the ensemble fitting her body tightly, screaming 'Sexy' to all who looked.

"Wow...that really looks good on you, sugar," I cooed, "I like that look on you, fits your body well."

"If you like it, then, mission accomplished," She replied, accepting my words...

Choosing one of Bellagio's full-service restaurants, we ate a leisurely dinner and enjoyed a couple of glasses of a nice wine. I noticed the glances from other diners, admiring glances from both men and women. I don't know about Marni because we didn't mention it or talk about it, but for me? I sorta' liked the looks and leers.

After our meal, we wandered the casino floor, a bit of slot play from the both of us as we worked our way towards the Blackjack tables.

"Feeling it?" Marni asked as we scanned the tables, checking out the action.

"Think I am...going to play or watch?" I asked as I zeroed in on a table that had a couple of opened seats.

"I'll watch, babe, I don't do well with Blackjack," Marni replied.

Taking one of the opened seats, I settled in and drew five hundred in chips from the dealer, a very attractive woman who couldn't seem to keep her eyes off of my 'girls' as she dealt the next hand.

Flipping my cards over, I opted out of that hand, my cards just not 'thrilling' me, whispering to Marni my reason for not playing that hand. She nodded her understanding as we both watched the hand play out.

And then it started.

I got hot, hitting Blackjack after Blackjack, beating the dealer with one hand after the other until her shift ended and another dealer came in to take over the table.

A change in dealers? I was out of there, me and a couple of grand of Bellagio's money to the good.

"Damn, girlfriend, that was sweet," Marni said with admiration as she walked along with me to cash in my chips.

"Not bad for an hour's work," I replied with just a hint of smugness, all pleased with myself for 'feeling it'.

"Almost eleven...want to go upstairs to meet the gals?" Marni asked as I slipped the bills into my clutch. Having an afterthought, I opened my clutch and fished ten c-notes out, handing them to Marni and drawing a confused look from her.


"Pretty sure you were my good luck charm," I said in explanation, "it's only fair that you take half of our winnings."


"Shut the fuck up, Marni," I said, cutting her off, "Let's go get laid," smiling at her but beginning my walk to the bank of elevators that would take us to the roof-top lounge and party-club.

"Yes ma'am," She said meekly as she scurried to catch up with me...

I spotted Toni and Maggie before they spotted us.

They were standing along the outside rail of the roof-top crowded party-scene. They were also in cocktail dresses, attractive ones at that. Both were smaller-busted than either of us, not that that's a bad thing.

"Wow," They said appreciatively as they eyed us up and down when we approached them, "Talk about looking good enough to eat," Maggie cooed without even trying to hide her lust.

"Ladies," I said in greeting, the four of us hugging and cheek-kissing each other. Toni signaled the server who came over quickly to take our order, returning quickly with our drinks, as well.

Toni was a couple of inches shorter than me flat-footed but we were eye to eye because of my 2" heels and her 4" stilettos.

"Love that dress, Jules," Toni cooed, "makes you look simply scrumptious," saying that with a leering smile of desire, "I'll bet you are, aren't you?"

I simply smiled, choosing not to answer. Instead, I just moved a wee bit closer, making sure that my boobs were brushing against hers. Taking a sip of her cocktail, she just smiled at me while we eye-fucked each other.

She got the message.

The four of us chatted to kill time and had a couple of cocktails while doing so, the subtle 'pairing' happening slowly. Marni and Maggie were soon standing 'together', looking like a couple to outside eyes, as did Toni and I.

They were both married and had met through their spouses who worked together, several years ago. They took gals-only trips a few times a year and didn't think twice about getting some 'strange', men or women, when on these trips, they cheated with each.

"Of course, when we're at home in Santa Fe, we behave," Toni averred, "sometimes, anyway," drawing chuckles from all.

Leaning to whisper in my ear, Toni made sure that her drink-holding hand pressed against my breasts, saying, "Feel like going to our room? I rolled a bit of smoke for us," rubbing the back of her hand against my nipple.

"Yeah...why don't we do that," I replied with my mouth to her ear, making sure that my lips brushed her ear 'just so'.

"Mags, you two ready to go?" Toni asked but still looking hard into my eyes.

"Yeah, we are," Marni replied, looking at me quickly, both of us sharing a look of 'still okay with this?', that sort of look.

"The bad news is that our room doesn't have a balcony," Maggie said over her shoulder as we waited for the elevator, all of us with fresh drinks in hand, "The good news, however, is that we do have a big-assed King-bed, big enough for the four of us."

"Yummy," I said aloud.

"Yummy is right," Maggie said agreeing...

Their suite's living room had a large, overstuffed couch and a matching side chair, the bedroom, like ours, a separate room.

Toni sat in the large side chair, saying to Maggie, "Want to get the smoke?" then pulling me by my hand until I was sitting on her lap, her hand on my thigh, just above my knee.

Maggie returned with a doobie, handing it to Toni. Taking Marni's hand in hers, she said, "We'll go smoke in here, that okay?", nodding towards the bedroom.

"Sure," Marni replied with a glance towards Toni and I. I smiled with my eyes at Marni, she did the same to me as she walked away with Maggie.

Toni set her drink on the side table, next to mine, and lit the doobie, holding it for her and I as we took turns hitting it.

"Think I've had enough," the words coming slowly for me.

"Me too," Toni replied, dropping the doob into the ashtray on the side table, then returning her hand to my knee,slowly sliding it up my thigh, under my dress.

I was rubbing her, lightly, across the swell of her breasts with my fingertips as her hand neared my honey-pot. Turned on by the whole scene, I slipped my fingers into the bodice of her dress until I had her boob in my hand, kneading it and fondling her lustfully, my breathing becoming labored from excitment.

Reaching to me with her mouth, I reached for her's in return until we were lip-locked and making animal sounds to each other. Her tongue was deep in my mouth and I was sucking on it as if it were a dick.

I felt my zipper slowly sliding down my back, Toni pulling it until it reached the end of its track. Pulling my mouth from her's for a second, I slipped out of the top-half of the dress, letting it fall to my waist.

Holding her head with one hand, I led her mouth to my breast, lifting it to her, offering it to her to do with as she would, my hand cupping and squeezing her tit the whole time.

"Mmmmmm...ummmmmmm," She moaned as she started sucking and biting, slowly taking more of my tit into her mouth with each sucking until she could get no more in without suffocating.

Feeling her fingers slip under my silk panties, I spread my legs a bit wider to make it easier for her to play with me, her thumb rubbing circles on my clit while her finger probed my wetness, slowly in and slowly out, each stroke getting me wetter and wetter.

"Stop for a second," I said softly. Standing and pulling her from the chair, my dress fell to the floor, gathering at my feet. Reaching behind her, I unzipped her dress, slipping it down her boobs until, it too, lay on the floor at her feet.

Kneeling before her, I slid her thong down her legs, kissing her on her mons, sliding my tongue across her landing strip, flicking at her clit as I nibbled at her slick pussy-lips.

She pulled me from my knees, kissing me savagely as her fingers fumbled to pull my panties down, my own hand helping her to get the job done. Taking my hand in hers, she led us into the bedroom.

Marni was naked and laying with her head propped on the pillows, her hands rubbing through Maggie's hair as Maggie ate her, Marni's legs cocked and spread wide.

Marni opened her eyes for a second or two, smiling when she saw Toni and I joining them, both of us naked. Toni positioned me next to Marni, head on the pillows, then she kissed me lustfully, while one of her hands played with Ms. Kitty. Breaking her kiss with me, Toni leaned over and kissed Marni just as lustfully, while my hand cupped and fondled her smallish tits.

After breaking off her kiss to Marni, Toni crawled between my legs which, like Marni, were bent at the knee, feet flat on the bed. Gripping my thighs, Toni lowered her head, guttural sounds of passion escaping her lips as she found my swollen clit.

Marni and I leaned towards each other, kissing each other passionately while our 'dates' filled their need to eat our pussies. Sucking her tongue into my mouth, I sucked on it slowly, animal noises coming from Marni as I did so. Marni climaxed first and after getting her wind back from the gasping she had done, she pulled Maggie to lay on her back now so that she could take her turn at dining at the 'Y'.

It was watching her eating Maggie that sent me over the top and brought my orgasm from its hidey-hole, Toni's muffled moans of pleasure filling the room as I humped against her mouth.

I slid down on the bed and pulled Toni to sit on my face and gave her what I know was a world-class pussy-eating, her screams and babble joining with Maggie's when I got her off.

The four of us curled up with our sex partners, all of us catching our breath from that first round of orgasms, the one that had to be gotten out of the way.

Rested, we swapped partners, Toni with Marni and Maggie with me. Maggie eats pussy better than Toni but Toni's pussy tasted sweeter, I decided after having them both, not that anybody would ask, of course.

Reverting to my college-slut personae for a couple of hours, I had them use me freely, had them sitting on my face one after the other, an oral gang-bang of me, if you will. Marni was a bit unsure about it but, reassurred that this was what I wanted to do, she got into it with them as well.

When Maggie brought out her strap-on harness with the large dildo, I made up my mind that I wasn't leaving their room until I had been thoroughly fucked with it and it didn't matter to me who strapped it on.

Dragging ouselves from their suite at around three'ish in the morning, we found our way back to our suite, both of us looking freshly-fucked, me, most of all

"Liked that strap-on, did you?" Marni joked

"Like you didn't?" I smarted back.

"Had fun?" She asked with a gentle kiss to my lips which was smeared with pussy juices as I stripped for the shower.

"Yeah, but that dildo?"

"What about it, baby?"

"We need to get us one of those, sugar," I said and meaning every word of it...

Day 16...

We were awaken by our phone ringing at the crack of noon, Marni answering it since it was on her side of our bed. Floundering about in a still-not-quite-awake fog, I heard words but could not discern their meaning.

"That was Cheech and Chong asking if we'd like another round with them sometime today or tonight," Marni explained after hanging up the phone and falling back on the pillow.



"Whatd'ya tell 'em?"

"I lied and said we had unbreakable plans but thanked them for thinking of us," Marni replied, stretching afterwards, "You okay with that?"

"Yep...that was a lot of fun with them last night but I'd just as soon that today be about us," I answered, rolling towards her and taking her in my arms in an embrace, giving her a soft kiss to the top of her head as she snuggled up against my body.

"Yeah, me too," She agreed with a kiss to my breast afterwards.

"What time is our appointment at the Spa?" I asked as we lay together, arms around each other, softly caressing the other.

"Three o'clock...why?" She replied softly.

She found out why...

We made our way to one of the buffets after showering once my wake-up horniness had been satisfied, much to Marni's delight, I must say.

"Were you and Prince-Fucking-Charming getting it on in the mornings when y'all were living together?" Marni asked casually between bites of her salad.

"Hardly ever," I answered honestly, "Hardly ever thought about wake-up sex with him...now, with you? Seems to be a whole other thing for me when I wake up in a bed with you," smiling at her, then taking a bite of my food.


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